
Showing posts from September, 2019


Longitude is a geography coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the earth's surface. Longitude is measured by imaginary lines circling the earth and running through the poles and used to measure distance in degrees. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich England and is given the position of 0 degree of longitude.

grids and time zones

The ways of describing where things are is grids and time zones. Geography is the study of where things are found on earth's surface. at this point we need a map, a map is a two dimensional or flat scale model of the earth's surface. Maps serve two purposes, as a reference tool and as a communication tool.


Today we talk about the situation, the situation is the location of a place relative to other places. situation is a valuable way to indicate location for two reasons: finding an unfamiliar place and understanding its importance. Many location are important because they are accessible to other places, for example how the importation and exportation between USA and China. because Neighbors is so cheap. 


Today we talk about site. Site is the physical character of place. we learn one fact that human have the ability to modify the characteristic a site. How do geographers describe where things are? Geographers can describe the location of a place by site. the important site characteristics include climate,water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude and elevation.

north and south america



Today we had our test back, i really like how i did on the test, i though that i didn't do good on the easy but i did good, the key of my success on this test its i did study for the test. we correct the test together in class so if you did get some question wrong you will correct it so you can use the test for studying when it is the final exam.

Difference of map

  The Mercator map, is usually use for show up better work for air and sea navigation,high ways, rivers. it is a standard map projection for navigation because of its unique property of representing any course of constant bearing as a straight segment.   The peter world map is one of the most stimulating,and controversial, image of the world. This show the really seize of the continent. All the school use this map now 


Today in class we talk about map. We had to see the difference between tree map.i found this differences: - Map A: It is show up all the state in the USA, it is topography, show up high ways , rivers. it is call a Mercator map -Map B: it is the Word map describe the countries with different color . it called a Mercator map -Map C: it is a Peter world map. describe the seize of the continent and has different color


Today, we had our first text , it was about the message to Garcia and Socrate, i think i did fine the hard part for me it was the essay but the other part i think i did good. 
Agora:  The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly". The Agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life in the city. Polis: literally means   city  in Greek. It can also mean a body of citizens.  The importance of year 508 BC:  The year  508 BC  was a year of the   pre-Julian Roman calendar . In the  Roman Empire  it was known as the  Year of the Consulship of Poplicola and  Precipitous Socrates :  Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. Socrates: he died by poison, it was a suicide  the Socratic method:  is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.    What the ancient greeks meant if they called you an idiot : it...
Excellence, an excellent introduction to excellence. A message to Garcia: -Publishes in March 1899 - Due to its popularity, it was reprinted as a pamphlet and a book. - It sold over 40 million copies  - Translated in 37 language            *THE PHENOMENON - Made into a movie in 1916 then in 1936 - "take a message to Garcia"become a popular slang         *THE BACKSTORY -Setting: the Spanish- american war  -Garcia : a revolutionary seeking Cuban -Rowan: an army officer  -McKinley: the 25th president of the USA         *THE MESSAGE What is initiative? I'll tell you is doing the right thing without being told

A message to Garcia

To day in class we read a essay wrote by Elbert Hubbard in 1899. At this time the united states of America was fighting against Spain for Cuba. At this time McKinley was the president of the united states of America, he need to talk to Garcia but he was hiding so the president could not found him easy. Rowan was the guy who found Garcia, he spend 3 weeks in the jungle looking for Garcia because he was carrying a message from the president to give to him. Rowan was a brave man who get things done even if it was hard but he did it.  Like yesterday we talk about how high school is hard, i think this essay try tell us as freshman to be brave and get all of our work done and have courage even when things get hard we will try do our best to get it done.   
Yesterday we talk about how high school is hard. I can say yes high school is because there is a big different between high school and middle school. So for me as a freshman i will do my best to keep my grade up and work hard because in high school i really need to stay focus and stay out trouble and be a good basketball player of the court and on the court. 
i realy like seat because we seat in order and it's good for the classroom to look good My first of school was great i meet new friends and i really like to make new friend . the worst part was when i get lost because i could find my next class.