five major religions

Today in class we talked about the five major religions that are Christianity, Islam , Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism,. Christianity is the largest in the World around 2.2 billion. the founder's name is Jesus Christ, the son of God. the holy book is the Bible especially the New testament.
Islam is the second largest in the world around 1.5 billion. the founder's name is Muhammad. the holly book is Qur'an . Muslims see their purpose in life as serving and submitting to Allah.
Hinduism the third largest in the world with 1.1 billion. the holly book is the Vedas.. there is not founder it is a series of intellectual or philosophical of view , rather than a rigid, strict set of beliefs .
Buddhism with 500 million to 1.5 billion of adherents. Siddhartha Gautama is the founder. the four noble truths are: there is suffering, attachment to desire is the origin of suffering, the eight fold path will lead to the cessation of suffering.
Judaism, we call them Jews. Abraham is the founder. the  Torah is the holly book five book of the old testament. Israel have 16.4 million, 75,4%. US have 5.3 million 1.7% - 2.6 %.


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